Here’s What Makes Up Your Website
Domain: This is the "address" or "URL" of your site, such as or in most cases, You can buy it from many places around the web, but I suggest Most people want a website for longer than just one year, so I suggest registering it for two years. You can pay in advance or year by year. Sometimes the name you want is taken, in which case we can think up some variants that may work. It is easy and quick to check, and I will do that for you on the spot.
Hosting: Hosting is like the garage, ranch or boatyard where you park your website. Because a website takes up internet space, it costs money to keep it there and your domain name has to be “pointed” to your actual website. I charge $65 per year to host your site, which is a bit lower than the price of Godaddy’s economy hosting service.
Site construction: Now that we have your domain name and your hosting “boatyard” we have to build the site. This is where we discuss colors, fonts, number of pages, etc. to make sure that you are presenting you or your company as you think it should be presented. When we finally decide on a basic design that you like, I make a template, which is generally the first page. This page will determine how the rest of the website looks and feels.
Maintenance: After the site is constructed I “publish” it online. This is a process whereby I tell the hosting “boatyard” which parking space will be used. It is slightly technical, but not a difficult process. After it is online, we can make as many changes as you need, and these will go up immediately, provided all is working between the “boatyard” and me. Some people don’t need to make very many changes once the site is up, and some need to make them regularly. Because I keep the entire website on my computer in order to be able to make further changes (which also functions as a backup in case something happens or you want to transfer the website somewhere else), I charge a $20 dollar per month fee. This also includes one free hour of work per month for any changes you want to make, which doesn’t accumulate. If the work in any month exceeds the one hour, I then charge $75 per hour. You can pay via Paypal every month, which is on the Payment Plan of this site.
Web design © 2010
Gorgeous Websites for Tiny Budgets
Email me or Call: 510-384-9443